
General Information

Inoculation is the practice of introducing commercially prepared rhizobia bacteria into the soil. This may be accomplished by applying the proper amount and strain of bacteria to the seed prior to planting or by metering the inoculant into the furrow at planting. 

All legumes should be inoculated before planting. While most soils contain native populations of rhizobia bacteria, the strain may be poorly suited to the legume in question (improper strains can be lazy or parasitic to the host crop). Even in those instances where specific legume crops, such as soybeans, are grown continuously on a particular field, it’s a good practice to inoculate. Commercial inoculation companies are continuously upgrading and improving their strains of rhizobia bacteria. In recent years, these companies have made major improvements in the efficiency and capability of their strains to nodulate the legume’s roots and convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form beneficial to the plants. 

The population of rhizobia bacteria in any given soil is strongly influenced by environmental factors. Heat, dryness, low organic matter, and soil acidity are detrimental to the survival of rhizobia bacterium. The practice of inoculating legume seeds guarantees that the most effective and competitive strains of rhizobia are present in sufficient number to achieve maximum plant growth and crop yields. 

Our atmosphere is 79% nitrogen. Inoculated legumes are able to convert and utilize this “free” nitrogen. These legumes do not need commercial nitrogen fertilizer. Often, properly inoculated legumes produce or “fix” more nitrogen than the host legume requires (up to 300 lbs. of nitrogen per acre may be added to the soil). This is of great benefit to crops grown in rotation with legumes. When crops such as corn or small grains are grown in rotation with legumes, their fertilizer requirement is greatly reduced and grain and/or forage yields significantly increased. 

In short, the inoculation of legume seeds is a relatively inexpensive practice that may significantly lower costs of production and enhance yield, generally improving the efficiency, productivity, and profitability of your farm operation.

Inoculant Products

DeLange Seed is proud to distribute the INTX Microbials line of legume inoculation. INTX Microbials, LLC is a company that is devoted to their products, their customers and their motto...Changing the inoculant industry one bushel at a time.

  • N-TAKE Sterile Liquid Formulation for Soybeans and Peas

NTX’s line of sterile liquid inoculants provides the ultimate in flexibility and effectiveness. All are packaged in a sterile carrier that allows for a two-season shelf life. Plus, all N-TAKE formulations contain multiple strains of rhizobium bacteria to ensure early season nodulation, as well as superior nodulation under adverse planting and growing conditions.

Available in packaged quantities to treat 2,500 lbs. or 10,000 lbs. (50 units or 150 units), N-TAKE for soybeans can be either seed-applied or mixed with water for in-furrow applications. When properly stored, inoculated seed has an onseed life of up to four days, while maintaining 150,000 rhizobia/seed. Its low application rate of 1.75 oz./50 lbs. of seed also helps eliminate problems associated with bridging and clumping of seed.

Also available: Commercial Liquid Concentrate

Commercial liquid concentrate will treat 650 bushels of soybeans. The concentrate is packaged with a Rhizobia count of 10 billion bacteria per gram and should be diluted with water at a 5 to 1 ratio, so the application rate will be 2 billion bacteria per gram.

  • STRIDE Liquid Extender

Developed for custom applicators, STRIDE effectively stretches your planting window by extending the life of the active rhizobium bacteria. That can mean a 30-day life on bare seed when stored properly. Because it is a true liquid, STRIDE presents no restrictions through application equipment. Producers benefit from custom inoculated seed and added flexibility in planting time. STRIDE also allows for co-application of fungicides to the seed. Consult the INTX website for a complete list of compatible fungicides with time-on-seed restrictions included. 


Information coming.